As L&D professionals we can create a lot of learning opportunities, but if there does not occur transfer to the lives or the work of employees, we really missed our goal. A lecture from Paul Matthews gave our team some new insights on this topic that we would like to share.
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Tiffany is leaving our team for a new challenge. A goodbye message from our colleague!
Meer lezenThe 21st of February, Arboth will present Slack at the conference Top100 tools for learning by Stimulearning. First things first. We're not trying to convince you to drop all other chat tools for Slack. We know these things take time. If you've tried other chat tools that didn't work, there's no guarantee that Slack will succeed. We can only tell you in how we use Slack and what we really like in this tool.
Meer lezenThere comes a time where every Instructional Designer will create a series of e-learning modules. Creating a series is NOT just copy & paste. After working with Articulate Storyline for two years, here's my list of tips to save time.
Meer lezenVOV Pitstop 02/10/2018: Some interesting insights an questions for the e-learning business.
Meer lezenWhat we appreciate in the Top tools for learning: It lets you look at things that you use everyday with a different perspective. And it shows how much learning actually takes place, every day.
Meer lezenI recently participated in a workshop given by Jane Hart. Hart is the director of the Centre for Modern Workplace Learning. You might know her from the Top 100 Tools for learning. Her message during the workshop was clear. The L&D'er is switching jobs quite soon.
Meer lezenNot that I am interested in Science Fiction, but something that sounds like "Brain based learning" could make you think otherwise. At least, "Neuroscience for Learning & Development" makes me think of something very futuristic. And that was exactly the subject of a conference I attended this summer: "Summerclass - How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training, with Stella Collins"
Meer lezenThe 21st of June, we will be attending Learning Tech Day, a conference organised by our good friends at Winston Wolfe, both as speakers and visitors. Flash Forward!
Meer lezenOur highlights of the month April include playfulness, the future of L&D, artificial intelligence and funny colleagues!
Meer lezenOur highlights of the month March include learnings from Jon Ingham, the best interview question currently available and the great simile of how LMS's are like bad gym memberships.
Meer lezenSeriously, is there any domain L&D can't learn from? If you're a professional in this field, you've probably read hundreds of articles what you can learn from marketing, from sports, from television, et cetera.
The 27th of February, Arboth attended the VOV-conference "What L&D can learn from R&D". Whereas the above examples might seem long shots; we can all agree learning and development should learn from research and development, and vice versa.
Meer lezenOur highlights of the month February include: a list for customizing content, the best L&D
blogs currently around and 7 debunkers for learning styles.
Meer lezenOur highlights of the month January include: an overview of elearning trends for 2018, the best interview you'll ever find, the answer to "Do I need training?" and much more.
Meer lezenMost of the traditional e-learning modules are linear, not only in the progress from start to finish but also in problem solving. In this game, we really wanted to surpass this by handing players the possibility of solving various problems in different sequences and discover ‘locked’ problems in their quest for the perfect game.
Meer lezenLiterature, consulted for earlier blogposts made it clear that you should always start from your learning goals, even when it might jeopardize your original idea.
Meer lezenAfter writing three theoretical blogposts about Gamification I could not wait to have a go at designing a gamification learning solution myself. In prospect of the bi-annual VOV fair, the biggest L&D conference in Belgium, our team wanted to create a blended learning solution based on our very own aXles-model.
Meer lezenIn our first blog we introduced our challenge for 2017, the learning objectives and target audience. The second blog jumped in on the learning environment and the aXles methodology as a whole. In our final blog, let’s have a look two learning solutions that resulted.
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