Most of the traditional e-learning modules are linear, not only in the progress from start to finish but also in problem solving. In this game, we really wanted to surpass this by handing players the possibility of solving various problems in different sequences and discover ‘locked’ problems in their quest for the perfect game.
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Literature, consulted for earlier blogposts made it clear that you should always start from your learning goals, even when it might jeopardize your original idea.
Meer lezenAfter writing three theoretical blogposts about Gamification I could not wait to have a go at designing a gamification learning solution myself. In prospect of the bi-annual VOV fair, the biggest L&D conference in Belgium, our team wanted to create a blended learning solution based on our very own aXles-model.
Meer lezenThe answer to “why Gamify?” is easy: to motivate and engage your employees. Following that train of thought: why do we need to motivate learners? How can we motivate learners? Though reflecting on motivation is important, it tends to distract me from the core objective as learning professional: ensuring a learning transfer. As more traditional learning solutions are being criticised for not ensuring desired learning outcomes, professionals are looking for solutions that can. Could gamification be that solution? Can Gamification increase motivation? Why could Gamification ensure a better learning transfer?
Meer lezenWe have already discussed 'how' to implement storytelling and 'how' adaptive e-Learning could work by using branched scenario's. But let's take a few steps back here and go to the core of Scenario-Based Learning (SBL):
Meer lezenI recently saw a tweet that said: “Maturity is knowing when to drag and when to drop”. Though I’m not convinced the person tweeting knew what she was saying, do you know when or how to drag & drop? Drag & Drop exercises are invaluable to keep the learner engaged, but there are some pitfalls to take into account as well.
Meer lezenEarlier this year I wrote a blog post in which I tried to define Gamification by comparing two renowned authors: Karl Kapp & Yu Kai Chou. Even though there were differences the bottom line of Gamification is clear:
motivating and engaging people by applying game mechanics or concepts into a non-game context.
In a following blog post I would like to discuss the pros and cons of Gamification with regard to ensuring a learning transfer as well as in terms of viability from an organisational point of view. Before I do so, I think it would help you understand Gamification by debunking some widespread myths that I’ve encountered during my research.
Meer lezenGamification is HOT. Even though the numbers date from 2015 they clearly show that both organisations and its learners as well as Learning Professionals are very interested in Gamification for different reasons. The optimistic projections in terms of market growth and expected revenue however warn me that this might be a trend that overdraws day to day reality of organisations. Being a Gamer and Learning Professional myself, Gamification therefore immediately triggered my interest but at the same time the caution to approach this trend critically.
Meer lezenLast weekend, I visited FACTS, Belgium's largest comic convention and one of the only places where geeks can truly be themselves.
One of the things I like most about FACTS is that it's basically one giant learning fair with smiles and funny costumes and people continuously praising each other. There is very little fear, and a lot of personal growth.
Meer lezenThese are my 5 tips in using storytelling in learning solutions.
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