The 21st of February, Arboth will present Slack at the conference Top100 tools for learning by Stimulearning. First things first. We're not trying to convince you to drop all other chat tools for Slack. We know these things take time. If you've tried other chat tools that didn't work, there's no guarantee that Slack will succeed. We can only tell you in how we use Slack and what we really like in this tool.
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Our highlights of the month October include: reverse thinking, flipped learning, social technologies in business and a MOOC-like platform for creative learning.
Meer lezenThe answer to “why Gamify?” is easy: to motivate and engage your employees. Following that train of thought: why do we need to motivate learners? How can we motivate learners? Though reflecting on motivation is important, it tends to distract me from the core objective as learning professional: ensuring a learning transfer. As more traditional learning solutions are being criticised for not ensuring desired learning outcomes, professionals are looking for solutions that can. Could gamification be that solution? Can Gamification increase motivation? Why could Gamification ensure a better learning transfer?
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