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reflections of the team

Farewell! Goodbye! Adieu!

Today is my last day at Arboth.

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As I am logging off on all accounts, backing up all my files and projects and noting down the last reference cards for my colleagues, it's a great time to look back on everything I accomplished here.

Is blogging still a thing?

Together with Marc, we created this website from scratch. I'm glad I was able to assist in defining a new look for Arboth online. I'm proud of all the content we've shared over the past 2 years. The blog serves many purposes.

Of course, it's a way of driving more traffic to our website. But that's not the only and definitely not most important purpose!

It's also a way of reflecting on things we read, experience, create. It's a way of communicating with our peers. It helps us grow. And it's good fun too!

Can safety be sexy?


Early 2018, I created a safety introduction course together with my colleague Karen. The course served as an introductory module for contractors entering a metallurgic site.

We created a map of the site, where visitors can freely roam around. In every department, they encounter new topics about safety. Every topic includes several exercises to train this new knowledge. Once they've visited every department, a quiz finishes the training.

This simple but effective approach appeals to the contractors and employees coming in. It's interactive and motivating and resonates with a fresh design.

Can e-learning deliver awareness training?

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This year, I delivered an awareness course for nursery supervisors. With a similar approach; we introcuded the nursery supervisors to a virtual daycare. Here, they encountered several children. Each child had its own story, parents who deal with day to day care in their own way.

It's effective because the virtual environment is recognizable. We encouraged the participants to empathize for the children and act appropriately.

This approach that combines free choice, storytelling, and some other motivational game mechanics, really delivers. It's not easy to design, but it speaks to participants.

Can colleagues be friends?

Of course; these are only some examples of the various projects I've encountered during my time at Arboth. Every project had its merit and taught me valuable lessons.


I will also be leaving behind my Arboth colleagues. Marc, Ingrid, Karen and Jana, you are such great people to work with! Always supportive and encouraging, always driving each other to be better but never letting anyone down. Celebrating each other's successes and leaving space when someone needs it. When colleagues also become friends, it's difficult to say goodbye.

The answer is yes!

I'm proud to have had the chance to work with you!

Thank you for your commitment, support, and friendship.

If you’d like to stay in touch, let’s connect on LinkedIn!