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reflections of the team

Berichten met de tag learning technology
Arboth present at Learning Tech Day

The 21st of June, we will be attending Learning Tech Day, a conference organised by our good friends at Winston Wolfe, both as speakers and visitors. Flash Forward!

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Our Christmas present: How we created engaging GDPR awareness training in 3 steps

In three blogs we will discuss how we applied the aXles methodology to create an engaging GDPR awareness training. Tune in this Christmas season for our 3-step roadmap to develop eXciting learning environments.

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Arboth counting down to Learning Tech Day!

The 20th of June, Arboth will be present on Learning Tech Day, the yearly event where learning & development meets technology. With Jamie Good, Stephen Downes and Nell Watson, the conference will surely inspire us for days to come. We're sharing our expertise as well and are excited to meet you in Ghent next week.  Come and join us for our workshop! 

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Our Monthly Reads: May

Our highlights of the month May include articles on the ethics of Instructional Design, thoughts from Mark Zuckerberg, interactions and a research project on Learning Technology.

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