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reflections of the team

Monthly Reads: April

Our highlights of the month April include playfulness, the future of L&D, artificial intelligence and funny colleagues!

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Monthly Reads: March

Our highlights of the month March include learnings from Jon Ingham, the best interview question currently available and the great simile of how LMS's are like bad gym memberships. 

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Steal like an artist: takeaways from an L&D-R&D conference

Seriously, is there any domain L&D can't learn from? If you're a professional in this field, you've probably read hundreds of articles what you can learn from marketing, from sports, from television, et cetera.

 The 27th of February, Arboth attended the VOV-conference "What L&D can learn from R&D". Whereas the above examples might seem long shots; we can all agree learning and development should learn from research and development, and vice versa.

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Gamification: How to? Part 3: Autonomy

Most of the traditional e-learning modules are linear, not only in the progress from start to finish but also in problem solving. In this game, we really wanted to surpass this by handing players the possibility of solving various problems in different sequences and discover ‘locked’ problems in their quest for the perfect game.

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Gamification: How to? Part I: Relatedness

After writing three theoretical blogposts about Gamification I could not wait to have a go at designing a gamification learning solution myself. In prospect of the bi-annual VOV fair, the biggest L&D conference in Belgium, our team wanted to create a blended learning solution based on our very own aXles-model.

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Our Christmas present: Part 3 - Finding your way in GDPR lingo, a learning solution

In our first blog we introduced our challenge for 2017, the learning objectives and target audience. The second blog jumped in on the learning environment and the aXles methodology as a whole. In our final blog, let’s have a look two learning solutions that resulted.

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Our Christmas present: Part 2 - Creating a Learning Environment that drives GDPR content to the learner

We're not going to lie. Creating exciting learning environments? It's not easy! There is no sure fire way, no one size fits all. So how does a learning architect go about developing an environment that tailors the learner’s needs? Introducing: the aXles methodology! 

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Our Christmas present: Part 1 - Our 2017 challenge: Outstanding learning experiences for all! GDPR as a case

It’s that time of the year, where we want to look back on 2017, a year where we set a challenge upon ourselves: “What if we had a blank canvas to start building a learning solution on? No style guide or tone of voice as foundation? No templates, no previously existing learning culture to take into account?” We wanted to create an outstanding learning experience.

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Our Christmas present: How we created engaging GDPR awareness training in 3 steps

In three blogs we will discuss how we applied the aXles methodology to create an engaging GDPR awareness training. Tune in this Christmas season for our 3-step roadmap to develop eXciting learning environments.

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Monthly Reads: November

Our highlights of the month November include: tools for digital learning experiences, infographics, GDPR and the learning experience canvas. 

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The More You Give

Last week VOV - the Flemish L&D network - had its bi-yearly trade fair annex conference in Leuven. One can of course attend such events in a consumer state of mind. But under the motto “Sharing is Caring” we actively participated by delivering a workshop about our learning model aXles.

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[NL] Aftellen naar de VOV-Beurs

Op onze beursstand (Beursstand 20) ontvangen wij je graag voor een goed gesprek over opleiding en ontwikkeling. Over een handvol noten delen we ons inzicht over het vormgeven van een totale & geïntegreerde leeromgeving.  Tijdens onze presentatie krijg je een live demonstratie van onze GDPR-case.

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Our Monthly Reads: October

Our highlights of the month October include: reverse thinking, flipped learning, social technologies in business and a MOOC-like platform for creative learning. 

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The Social Dimension of Learning: #WOL

This month I was asked to read the book “Social technologies in Business”. In the days to come, I will write a review about, but in the meantime, I would like to introduce a concept I have read there: “Working out Loud”, or #WOL for all you tweeps out there.

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Why start with Gamification?

The answer to “why Gamify?” is easy: to motivate and engage your employees. Following that train of thought: why do we need to motivate learners? How can we motivate learners? Though reflecting on motivation is important, it tends to distract me from the core objective as learning professional: ensuring a learning transfer. As more traditional learning solutions are being criticised for not ensuring desired learning outcomes, professionals are looking for solutions that can. Could gamification be that solution? Can Gamification increase motivation? Why could Gamification ensure a better learning transfer?

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