Our Christmas present: Part 2 - Creating a Learning Environment that drives GDPR content to the learner
Remember our 2017-challenge?
- Challenge: Creating outstanding learning experiences
- Objective: "Increase awareness of the impact of GDPR on the organisation and all its procedures"
- Target audience: "White-collar workers, most likely to be faced with changing procedures."
We're not going to lie. Creating exciting learning environments? It's not easy! There is no sure fire way, no one size fits all.
So how does a learning architect go about developing an environment that tailors the learner’s needs?
The aXles Methodology is one way - our way - to find a solution. This two-dimensional grid provides four quadrants. The catch does NOT lie in choosing the one right approach, but rather finding a balanced combination.
The perfect blend: shaken, not stirred
The learning architect needs to mix the perfect blend of “focus” - whether the learning solution should focus on content or on the learner – and “design” - whether principles of instructional design or information management should be followed. This results in 4 quadrants of learning approaches:
- eXpose - Making information available to people in a structured and easily accessible way. Example: quick reference cards, databases, videos, ...
- eXplain - Some subjects are too complex to be discovered by the learner on his/her own. It would just take too much time. That is where good instructional design starts to play: eXplaining information in an engaging and/or interactive way while avoiding information overload. Example: learning new procedures and systems.
- eXperience - eXpose and eXplain are primarily cognitive processes. When a subject needs to understand something like for ex. the importance of a new procedure or the impact, the learning solution will need to touch on emotions and attitudes as well, it will need to deliver an eXperience. Example: simulations, role play, ...
- eXchange - Last but not least: the social dimension. Knowledge, skill and attitude are not only documented on paper, but also exists in the heads of people. This approach points to sharing and social learning. Example: enterprise social netwerk, communities of practice, ...
How we mapped our objective to aXles
Our main objective, “Increase awareness of the impact of GDPR on the organisation and all its procedures“, implicated two conditions for learning.
- To be fully aware of something, you need to understand what it is about. You need at least a basic knowledge of important concepts. To accommodate that basic understanding, we combined two approaches. In eXplain, the learner is introduced to the concepts and frameworks. eXcite garantuees that this is all done in a fun and interactive way. In eXpose, the learner is free to further research.
- At the same time, the learning environment needs to touch on emotions and attitudes of the learners, allowing the learner to eXperience the impact of GDPR.
So, the aXles methodology led us to the development of:
- (eXplain) An interactive e-Learning course: Structured content avoiding information overload, tailored to fit the learner’s needs.
- (eXperience) A full-blown game about GDPR: that speaks to emotion and attitudes, simulating real-life risks.
- (eXpose) A website: In-depth learning materials such as articles, podcasts and videos.
To be continued…
Read more about our challenge tomorrow where we will show you the different learning solutions!
In the meantime: Leave a comment or tweet (us) about #GDPRaXles @Learning4Growth:
How would you train awareness? What do you think are important elements? And what do you think about the aXles methodology for creating outstanding learning experiences?