Time flies when you are having fun!
Time to celebrate: I am a Learning Consultant at Arboth for already 10 years! Time’s fun when you’re having flies… euh I mean: Time flies when you are having fun!
As a Learning Consultant, I have been designing, developing, and delivering learning solutions for clients across different industries.
You can see some end products here:
My Key takeaways
Writing a blog about these past 10 years, to be honest: I was going to ask ChatGPT to help me out. The product of ChatGPT, though, looked like something people would say at my funeral or like a super confident addendum to a resume. So, I’ll approach it a bit differently and take the time to look back on the above mentioned projects. Even so, because every project or collaboration with colleagues has learnt me new things.
The projects
Starting a new project is always exciting: How did I understand the challenge, what is the customer expecting, can we formulate good key learning objectives, and what kind of learning solutions could then be designed and developed? This process is always a bit tricky.
You learn along the way to listen very carefully to the customer, to deduce what is important and what is not, to guide the customer to a solution that will fulfil their organization’s needs, although they might not yet see it, to challenge their request.
The tools
The technology behind e-Learning is evolving constantly: Starting with a bit of Captivate, moving on to the Articulate products, working with several Learning Management Systems,… I now feel confident to say that I am an expert in (e-)Learning design and development.
However, I am still learning every day: about the tools, the possibilities they can offer and so on. It’s all about being flexible and creative at the same time, also being humble: you can never know everything and thus you must surround yourself with other experts in the field.
… and of course: the people
In 10 years, I have had the chance to collaborate with fantastic Arboth-colleagues:
There was Wout Verhoeven who was very passionate about gamification and the playfulness in e-Learning design. He had a strong vision of how an end product should look like. His blogs on our website about gamification are of course still relevant!
Then there was Tiffany Motton, who challenged Arboth as an organization: the way we approach our internal knowledge management, how we present ourselves online. Tiffany also had the wildest ideas and creative stories when building scenario’s.
Jana Faes was a solid colleague to consult: she was able to take a helicopter view but to keep eye on the details at the same time. A wonderful ‘can do’-attitude as icing on top.
And then of course there is Marc Alen. As a colleague, a bright analytical mind who creates clear frameworks, translating customer’s needs to satisfying learning solutions in plain language or expert vocabulary if needed: Marc does it all.
But Marc is of course not just a colleague, as the founder of Arboth, he has welcomed me and the above colleagues always very warm. He is by far, thé kind of leader that builds in trust, creates a safe learn- and work environment, where you can try out new things and where it is okay to make mistakes. Being a passionate senior learning consultant himself, I would say his work ethic is very much ‘walk the talk’.
I absolutely loved the past 10 years and look forward to the next ones.
I hope you (yes you, reader) and I can maybe work together in the (near) future, to brainstorm about your organization’s learning objectives, new projects,…